Riding near horses or trailers carrying horses. Could be on the motorway in traffic or when you’re out riding on country roads. What do you do, if anything? Many times during my commute I pass horse floats. I tend to pull my clutch in and roll past the float
Lane Splitting Tip: Choosing the right lane to start splitting
Lane splitting is awesome isn’t it? You save a ton of time and you get an entire piece of road, all to yourself! This lane splitting tip is based on New Zealand roads, where the “fast lane” is on the far right hand side, if overtaking a car, you are
Removing your Rider invisibility cloak
By: Dr Urie Bezuidenhout PhD (Eng), MSc (Eng), NHDip (Eng), NDip (Eng) Director Da Vinci Transport Planning Ltd Rider advice SMIDSY (Sorry Mate I Did Not See You) is a real issue that we as riders are mostly on the receiving end of. Humans are fallible beings, and research shows