Last Sunday 26th of February 2017, I was fortunate enough to attend a charity ride that really brought home the fact the NZ motorcycling community is a very tight-knit bunch. The Sisterhood Fundraiser 2017 was organised by a motorcycle enthusiast named Angela, who worked tirelessly in the months leading up to the event to ensure it went off without a hitch. For those that may know Angela. She is is one of those people that creates a fun environment wherever she may go. I don’t think this woman has ever had a bad day! You can read a bit more about her work and the history of the event here Sisterhood of riders raising funds for a great cause.
The details were as follows –
Join us to:
RIDE $20 per person
– 0900 arrive to connect with (new or current) friends
– 0920 ride briefing
– 0930 depart for 2 hour motorcycle ride (approx)
All bikes, all skill levels welcome
Don’t ride??? No sweat! You can still come to hang out to
SUPPORT $5 donation
– 1130 welcome bikes back to Smales Farm
– 1200 Auction
– 1220 Spot prizes
– and more…
Funds raised will help to provide refuge, support and counselling for those who have experienced family violence, trauma or sexual violence.
Alright I thought, easy enough. Rock up (too early on a Sunday morning some might say). Pay your $20 and get in line to ride with a bunch of people, most of whom I’ve never met before. From the moment I arrived I met a new friend who had been behind me on the motorway from the time I got on the on-ramp. Off to a great start, I thought. After signing up, making my donation and getting myself a nice glass of OJ, I approached a man sitting at a table alone and asked if it was alright to sit there. “Of course, we’re all here for the same thing aren’t we?”. Another great moment. Purely because there was no reluctance in his reply and he seemed genuinely pleased. This alone showed me how friendly the community can be. Back in the old days when I was into my cars, many meets would consist of people turning up but people sticking to their own little cliques, not mingling with others they have never met and this always caused some animosity and anti-social behaviour at times. I can genuinely say that everyone who turned up to the Sisterhood ride was mature and so friendly. I didn’t talk to every single person but the general atmosphere and vibe really made anyone and everyone feel at home. Heck there were even little kids that were pillions on the day running around!
The Ride
The ride itself was fantastic. The weather and road conditions were perfect. What impressed me the most was the fact given the huge amount of attendees (I’d say at least 120 bikes?), statistically speaking, with such large numbers you’d expect something to go wrong… There wasn’t a single incident! Not one!! Everyone rode their own ride, everyone knew how to ride in staggered formation and were very courteous to other motorists. It was refreshing to say the least.
End of the day
The ride ended with a return to Smales Farm, where the adventure began. An auction was held to raise even more money. The prizes were generously donated by local motorcycle shops, workshops, riding instructors and even an artist. Again in true Angela fashion, the atmosphere was a nice, warm, family vibe with plenty of joking and interaction from the crowd thanks to spot prizes being issued for various things such as owning/riding a Triumph!
>>> Sisterhood Fundraiser 2017 Youtube Video <<<<
<WARNING incoming cheesy conclusion>
All in all, that was probably the best $20 I have spent this year so far. The people I met and knowing I made a small difference to someone’s life makes it all worth it.
The end result
Here’s the end result, $4810 by a bunch of people who rode their motorcycles for fun a bit too early on a Sunday morning… Not bad.